Profile: Callister Musico Insurance Group Inc
Name: Rebecca Reed
Hometown: Sarnia, ON
Job/Position: Account Executive | Personal Lines
Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, running, delighting in our newly adopted 7 year old son
Favorite Food: Corn on the cob
Quote to live by: There’s no magic – just effort.
Either/Or (in bold)
Dinner at home/in a restaurant 🙂
1) When did you start with Callister Musico Insurance? May 2013
2) What is your role at the office? Exclusively New Business Sales
3) What do you enjoy about your job at Callister Musico? The flexibility to create our own path with sufficient resources to help us get there…as a team!
4) What makes you successful in your position? Getting back to people quickly, being current & knowledgeable. Above all; having an awesome support team within our office that truly care.