Lambton Mutual
Established in 2015 to support students volunteering in their community, Lambton Mutual Insurance Company takes great pride in being an active contributor to the community. The Lambton Mutual Scholarship Program is sponsored and funded by Lambton Mutual Insurance Company.
Each Year, five scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to high school students who are sons/daughters of existing Lambton Mutual policyholders. Successful applicants should demonstrate their involvement in their community through volunteerism and academic excellence. These scholarships are just one small way we give back to our community and uphold our promise of ‘neighbours helping neighbours’

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Must be a Canadian resident.

Must be attending university or college for the first time as a first year student.

Must be enrolled at a Canadian university or college as a full time student in current year of awarding scholarship.

Must be an existing policyholder or a son/daughter of existing policyholders of Lambton Mutual Insurance Company.

- Download the application here.
- Format – Only typed and printed applications will be accepted.
Please ensure to fully complete and sign the application. - Include your official transcript, and a copy of your Community Involvement Activities Tracking Form.
- References/Reference Letter – Each reference listed on the scholarship application must provide a community involvement reference letter. Please have the reference(s) include their relationship to the applicant in the opening paragraph of their letter. Applicants must have a minimum of one reference and this reference may not be related to the applicant.
- Send the application to:
Lambton Mutual Insurance, 7873 Confederation Line, PO Box 520, Watford, Ontario N0M 2S0 - Questions/Concerns: Any questions regarding the scholarship application can be directed to
The Fine Print
Pursuance of a full-time post-secondary education at a college or university level.
Preference shall be given to a graduate who demonstrates community involvement, volunteerism, and academic excellence.
Children of staff, agents/brokers, staff of agents/brokers, and/or directors of Lambton Mutual Insurance Company are not eligible.
If, in a given year, no suitable candidate applies, no award will be given that year.
Payment will be made after proof of enrolment is received by the company from the registrar of the post-secondary institution.
Award winners will be required to provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN) for tax purposes.

The deadline for receipt is the last business day in June, at 4:30 p.m.
Late and/or handwritten applications will not be accepted.
All applicants will be notified of the results by the second Friday in August.