In honour of Canadian Agricultural Literacy Month (March 2018), here are some terms that you may not be familiar with but will help you survive a day in the country.
Crop tour – a slow meandering drive down country roads to compare your crops to those of your neighbours to make sure yours are better.
Honey Wagon – manure tank.
Aggie – a person who attends agricultural college or university to study agriculture.
Rock pickin’ – the task of picking stones out of fields in the spring to avoid a stone intake by the combine during harvest in the fall.
Driveshed – also known as an Implement Shed – where a farmer stores their machinery.
Send it – also known as “go for it”.
Livestock pot – a trailer to haul livestock.
Row ‘em – not an actual rowing term, but rather a term used to describe the emergence of new plants from the ground sufficient to have the rows visible to the naked eye.
The back 40 – reference to a field that’s either far away or a pain in the butt to get to.
Jimmy-rig – a term to describe fixing something (not really the right way) but, hey, it worked.
Running buggy – the task of towing the grain buggy with the tractor and keeping in lock step with the combine as it unloads on the fly.
Clippin’ corn – aka combining corn.