Congratulations to Jenny Abbott, the winner of our Winter 2016 Facebook Contest! Jenny was the lucky winner of a $500 Roots Canada gift card, just in time for Christmas.
To enter the contest, entrants had to correctly answer the question: “What year was Lambton Mutual formed?” Entering was easy! The answer (1875!) could easily be found on our website.
We chose to give away a gift card from Roots Canada as we are both proud Canadian companies. We also wanted our Facebook entrants to consider – Why are roots important? The roots keep the tree strong, healthy and growing for generations. At Lambton Mutual, we’re proud to have been rooted in our community for generations already and we’re looking forward to nourishing many more to come.
Did you know? Roots aren’t only good for the tree; they’re also good for the soil! Roots hold the earth in place to prevent it from being carried away. We think our roots have the same effect on our community. For over 140 years, Lambton Mutual has been giving back to make our home a stronger, better place.
At Lambton Mutual, we take pride in our small town Canadian roots that have seen us evolve as part of this community.
Be sure to like our Facebook page so you don’t miss out on our next contest!