The prevalence of social media has a huge impact on society; especially on developing children. As a role model and guardian to our children, it is as important as ever for parents to ensure their safety and privacy online. We are surrounded by a digital culture that encourages transparency online; but with that transparency comes […]
Snow Plow Pre-Cautions
Winter, it is here! We have moved into the time of year when the natural beauty of snow and ice starts to shape into very cold days with unwanted ice, slush and snow drifted highways. Driving in snowy weather conditions is stressful, needing all of your focus; including not losing your cool while snow removal […]
Name: Beth Hackett Hometown: Wyoming, ON Job/Position: Business Owner and Principal Agent Hobbies: Spending endless hours watching my son’s sports, dining with friends and anything happening on the water. Favourite Food: Meals prepared by others! Quotes to live by: “Life is short, break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never […]
Furnace Care and Maintenance
With the days getting shorter and the weather turning colder there is the obvious desire to start turning up the heat indoors. But before you crank it up, you should stop for a moment to think about furnace care and maintenance. In the ideal world we would never have to give a second thought to […]
Motorcycles: Keep Yourself Safe with Helmets & Insurance
Whether you are a well-seasoned rider with many years and miles behind you, or a fresh newbie looking forward to a full summer out on the open roads, it is important to have a proper motorcycle helmet. While you can get the claim you deserve with the assistance of the local Orlando attorney for auto […]
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Boat Maintenance & Insurance
With summer and boating season here, families across the country are enjoying having their boats out on the water! A boat is a major investment and can provide an ample number of fun weekends spent out on the water. However, without the proper upkeep this investment can turn into an expensive playground for the local […]
Cutting Down Your Summer AC Bills
Just because the summer temperatures are starting to rise doesn’t mean your electricity bill has to skyrocket as well. While running your AC on full blast may seem like an enticing idea, we can assure you that your wallet will not agree. Here are a few tips on how to cut down on your AC […]
Tips for Dealing with an Auto Accident
Whether you are a seasoned driver with decades of experience or a fresh young driver enjoying the adventure of open roads, an accident is not something you expect to happen. When it befalls, and when injured in a car wreck, there’s a high chance that only your stars would save you. While it is true […]
Protect Your House This Summer
With spring weather finally warming up our cold toes, it will soon be time for long, sun-filled summer vacations. With all the excitement of planning these getaways, we often forget about certain details, like what happens to your house while you are away? When leaving your house empty, if only for a few days, you […]
Riding Your ATV Safely
All-terrain vehicles or ATVs are a fun and exhilarating addition to any long weekend or trip to the cottage in the summer. Since they are usually not viewed in the same manner as road vehicles; people can overlook the safety issues associated with a weekend of fun. Here we have a few simple tips on […]